
App-specific settings with their default values.


These (app-specific) settings are injected into the project’s settings module during startup, see this StackOverflow answer [1] for the general idea and calingen.apps.CalingenConfig.ready() for implementation details.

The actual settings are defined here with their respective default value. This module serves as the single source of truth about app-specific settings, meaning it defines the settings’ names, as they will be used in other components of the app.

During runtime, all settings are read from django.conf.settings - which is effectively the project’s settings module.

calingen.apps.CalingenConfig.ready() checks the presence of all app-specific settings in the project’s settings module and will inject the default values as defined in this module, if the setting is missing.

If the setting is already present in the project’s settings module, it will not be modified.


Module Contents


Configuration of the compiler plugins.

This setting determines the mapping of available instances of CompilerProvider and their association with source files, as determined by layout_type provided by implementations of calingen.interfaces.plugin_api.LayoutProvider.

Default value: { "default": "calingen.contrib.compilers.copy_paste.compiler.CopyPasteCompiler" }


More mappings may be added by specifying this setting in a project’s settings module.

The accepted keys are of type str and should match whatever the project’s layouts (that is: implementations of LayoutProvider) provide with their respective layout_type attributes. If a given layout_type is not found in this setting, the default compiler is used.

The expected values are of type str and should specify a dotted Python path to an implementation of calingen.interfaces.plugin_api.CompilerProvider.

This setting is evaluated in calingen.views.generation.CompilerView.

calingen.checks.check_config_value_compiler() verifies the presence of a "default" compiler and that the specified default compiler is importable.


Determines, if the user should be notified about missing event providers.

Default value: None

Accepted values: None. "messages"


The user may activate implementations of EventProvider in his Profile. These events will then get included while generating his calendar inlays.

However, the administrator may choose to disable certain plugins _after_ the user has activated them. The corresponding EventProvider will then not be available.

When the user visits his Profile, he can only select those EventProvider, which are currently activated by the administrator. Formerly activated plugins are hidden - but still stored in the profile instance.

This setting controls, if the user is notified about the deactivation of a formerly selected EventProvider using Django’s messages framework.

See calingen.views.profile.ProfileUpdateView.get_context_data() for implementation details.

See calingen.checks.check_config_value_event_provider_notification() for the corresponding contribution to Django’s check framework.