Git Branching Model

The repository loosely follows a Git branching model as described by Vincent Driessen here

The repository’s default branch is development, which will always have the latest code contributions that have reached a stable state.

Feature Branches should branch off from development and be merged back into development once they reach a stable state.

The repository is set up to use dependabot for automatic updates of the app’s dependencies. dependabot will also work against the development branch.

The repository’s main branch is used to track the app’s releases. Commits in main should be tagged appropriately

*  [main, tag: v1.0.0]
| *  [development]
| |\
| | *  [example-feature]
| | *
| | *
| |/
| *
| *

The repository provides Continuous Integration by GitHub Actions. The corresponding workflows are described here.

bluf: The default workflow is run against development and on all pull requests against development. The release workflow is run on the main branch and automatically releases to PyPI.